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Moxibustion involves the heating of acupuncture points with smoldering mugwort herb (known as moxa). Moxibustion stimulates circulation, counteracts cold and dampness in the body, and promotes the smooth flow of blood and qi. It can help in cases of depletion and deficiency as well as improve the immune system response. This safe, non-invasive technique may be used alone, but it is generally used in conjunction with acupuncture treatment.


Cupping is an ancient technique in which a special cup is applied to the skin and held in place by suction. The suction draws superficial tissue into the cup, which may either be left in place or moved along the body. Cupping brings fresh blood to the area, helps improve circulation, and reduces inflammation and pain. Traditional cupping, sometimes referred to as “fire cupping," uses heat to create a vacuum-like suction inside of glass cups. In modern times, cups that use a small pump to create suction have also been introduced.

Dawn Kulak Tubb, M.Ac, L.Ac

Dawn Acupuncture
Serving Howard County, MD
Located in Northern Laurel
Off Routes 29 & 216

Mondays 2:00pm-8:00pm
Tuesdays 11:30am- 5:30pm
Wednesdays 2:00pm-8:00pm
Thursdays 11:00am-5:00pm
Fridays 10:00am-3:00pm